Are all these detector beacon things Tinker Tom is having me set up actually going to produce some sort of concrete result at some point, or is he going to keep saying “mmm a few more” forever? Do these numbered defense quests from the Railroad have an end to them, or will I end up doing “Safehouse Quest #549” someday if I keep taking them on? While some Radiant Quests are obvious, others seem like normal ones that trick you into thinking there’s an ending to them.
To this day I’m still not sure that every Radiant Quest I’m doing is really a Radiant Quest. You don’t always know you’re doing an infinite questline. The same goes for a few of the other NPCs that they’ve turned into nothing but quest vending machines. I associate literally nothing else with this man other than these dumb quests. As I mentioned, even hearing Preston Garvey’s voice is grating at this point, because 90% of what he says to me is assigning these banal quests.
While I understand that appeal of wanting to give players something to do indefinitely in your game, I hate Radiant Quests, and judging by the rest of the internet, I’m not alone.